"Merebut Hari" – Learning to Seize the Day

One girl's adventures in Bali

Archive for sundown

music videos and video games.

So, my dear readers, as you know, me and motorbikes don’t really get along.

I am trying to work on this relationship, considering that every week I will be on a motorbike for a minimum of 12 hours, often in traffic, often on busy roads.

If only my driver was santa..

So when I went to work on Tuesday, I decided I would listen to my IPod to ease the pain. With this, I felt like I could play games and maybe forget I am on the same bike I crashed into a wall three weeks ago. This seemed to work, at least in the morning, when my IPod began to play all my crazy guilty pleasure songs- Lady Gaga, Prince, and then, when I was at a stoplight, that new horrible song by the Black Eyed Peas that I just can’t get enough of, “Don’t Stop the Party” .. as I am about to be whisked through the light, this jungle boogie music hits and I am suddenly in the middle of some crazy music video.

Yeah, I was kind of riding at the speed of light

The wind in my hair, I let go of the back of the bike and balance like I am some super cool tough girl getting my groove on. I laugh as I think people around me have no clue they are in my music video! Here we are, flying through the streets of Bali on this motorbike. I am happy.

yeah sundown looks really pretty if you're not on a bike.

Then on the way home, I forgot about how night falls around 6pm here. I left work at 6pm. As the sun began to set, a whole new Bali appeared. We will call this, the scary video game Bali. At this point it did not matter what music was playing, we were all suddenly transported to some strange, sick game where these strange fire-flies were whisking around me, coming at me, revving their strange fire-fly engines and nearly crashing into me.

This is what came up when I searched scary motorbikes at night..

To make the chaos worse, there were also these big monster-looking things that had two lights and drove really fast and really loudly toward me. These were especially scary when they were right behind me or trying to pass me on the inside.

The trees became forest creatures with arms and legs that seemed to leap in front of the vehicle, adding to the insanity.

yeah, and the moon looked like that!

Needless to say, to calm my heart which nearly exploded on the trip, I made up some sick and twisted video game where basically every motorbike was trying to kill me. Which is, in fact, what it felt like at times.

If I thought riding the bike during the day was scary, riding the bike at night felt deadly.


I will leave work at 5 from now on.